
Pico Rivera : Pigeon Permit Denied, but New Law Weighed

A Pico Rivera resident lost his battle this week to obtain a permit to keep 37 racing pigeons on his property.

However, council members are considering changing the law to allow him to keep his birds.

On Monday, the City Council unanimously denied Albert Navarro’s application for a permit to keep his pigeons in a loft on Carron Drive. However, the council said it will not force him to remove the pigeons until the matter is resolved.

Navarro’s 5,640-square-foot property is smaller than the minimum required by zoning codes, Planning Director Dave Hertzing said. Pigeon owners must have at least 6,000 square feet of property.


Navarro was unavailable for comment.

After the vote, the council directed the city attorney to draft a new ordinance that removes requirements on property size and distinguishes between pigeons bred for racing and wild pigeons.

Hertzing said a new pigeon ordinance will probably be ready for review by the council within two months.
