Border Help
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* The Oct. 27 Times carried a column by Peter H. King that attacked my proposal to supplement the Border Patrol with members of the National Guard acting in a civilian capacity. King’s questions seem intended principally to demonstrate his hostility to any effort to curb illegal immigration. On this we have a fundamental disagreement. However, for the sake of your readers, let me try to answer the main question posed by King.
King asked why I would use the Guard to deal with immigration. My answer, simply, is that the Guard has already been put to use on the border to supplement law enforcement authorities in drug interdiction efforts.
The Guard has demonstrated that it can be helpful in carrying out activities like surveillance, inspections, and transporting patrol personnel, prisoners and equipment. If one accepts the premise that illegal immigration should be limited, which King evidently does not, then it makes perfect sense to place the Guard in a backup role.
Ever since illegal immigration became an issue in Congress, I have supported measures to dramatically increase the Border Patrol. Unfortunately, due to rising deficits, we need to look for creative ways to do that.
By using the Guard to free the Border Patrol from non-border duties, we can achieve an increased civilian border patrol force in the most cost-effective way.