
Jammed In With Pearl Jam

I am writing in response to Steve Hochman’s review of the Pearl Jam concert at the Empire Polo Club in Indio (“Pearl Jam Blossoms in Desert,” Nov. 8). He states that the venue “proved on the whole a success, comfortably accommodating the large crowd with relatively few traffic and parking problems.”

I have never been so uncomfortable in my entire life. I feel that 25,000 people jammed into a space with no chairs, no aisles, few security guards and one first aid tent is not a success. The crowd was so unruly--pushing, shoving and throwing things. I had to escape to an open field twice just so I could breathe. I also feel that two hours in the parking lot waiting to exit the one gate is a major parking problem.

It was a very disappointing and scary experience. I had been looking forward to seeing Pearl Jam for a month, and I ended up fearing for my safety. How dare the promoters put so many lives in danger. Concerts of this nature should be outlawed.


