

Anyone unlucky enough to lose the shirt off his back need not worry. Staying at a Las Vegas hotel-casino means striking it rich: Gift shops stock a multicolored array of T-shirts emblazoned with hotel names and themes. “T-shirts are our single best-selling item,” says Donald Kauffeld, apparel buyer at

Luxor. “We sell approximately 10,000 of them a month.”

For $12 to $18, guests can show the world where they’ve been. Volcanoes and swaying palms say the Mirage. Skulls and pirates broadcast your return from Treasure Island. Dragons and charging knights are telltale signs of Excalibur. “T-shirts have become a real fashion statement over the last 15 years,” Kauffeld says, noting that it doesn’t hurt that T-shirts are relatively cheap as well as easily packed and machine-washable.

At Luxor, there are 25 T-shirts to choose from, including tees depicting Queen Nefertiti and the jackal Anubis atop King Tutankhamen’s tomb. Kauffeld develops each with independent artists and vendors, adding and dropping designs according to popularity. Certain colors sell better than others, he says. Currently, black and vibrant shades of fucshia, purple and jade are in demand. And after T-shirts, what’s the second most-popular gift-shop purchase? Matching baseball caps, of course.
