
IRVINE : Swan Again Named Water District Chief

For the 12th straight year, Peer Swan has been selected president of the Irvine Ranch Water District.

The district’s board of directors made the appointment at a meeting last month when it also selected Darryl Miller as vice president.

Swan, 49, treasurer at Pacific Scientific Co. and is a director of Southern California Bank. He also serves as chairman of the National Water Research Institute.


He said one of the challenges facing the district in 1994 is continuing to implement the Total Quality Management Program, which is designed to make the district more responsive to customers.

The district also plans to begin a pilot project at the San Joaquin Marsh that calls for the pumping of reclaimed water into the wetlands to see if it benefits the ecosystem.

Swan compared his role as district president to that of a mayor. He and the four other board members are elected by voters every four years in much the way a city council is chosen. The board sets policy for the district while employees run the district’s day-to-day operations.


As directors, Swan and Miller receive $167 for each meeting they attend.

“I think we operate as a team and always have,” Swan said of the board. “We work together very well. I think I have their confidence.”
