

CRIME-FIGHTING CRUSADE: If City Manager William Kirchoff has his way, police officers won’t be the only city employees fighting crime in this city. The library would add books to its collection about home and personal safety. The Public Works Department could supervise juvenile offenders in erasing remnants of their vandalism or graffiti. The Fire Department would be asked to develop ride-along programs for disadvantaged youths and train members to spot and report gang activity.

Kirchoff said he wants to make safety as synonymous with Redondo Beach as the Rose Parade is with Pasadena.

He asked council members to create a Safer City Council to oversee the anti-crime effort. The group would include elected and appointed officials, as well as community members. “The police simply can’t do it on their own, and the limits to professional crime-fighting have long been exceeded,” Kirchhoff told the council Tuesday.
