
BASEBALL / DAILY REPORT : DODGERS : Park Impresses Perranoski

Park Chan Ho took center stage again Sunday, throwing in front of several Dodger officials, including President Peter O’Malley, at Vero Beach, Fla.

Park, who has a high leg kick in his delivery, communicated with pitching coach Ron Perranoski through interpreter Don Yi, who is staying with Park throughout spring training. When Park finished throwing, he walked over and bowed to his catcher in thanks. “His curveball has outstanding rotation and he kicked his fastball up another gear,” Perranoski said. “His leg kick is fine as long as he doesn’t do it with men on base. It’s like Juan Marichal’s was. Yesterday he kicked the top of the net.”


While Park was throwing, Rudy Seanez threw unnoticed nearby. Seanez was the one who drew the crowd two springs ago, when he threw one time before being sidelined for the season because of a back condition. He split last season between the Colorado Rockies and the San Diego Padres, and was signed by the Dodgers during the off-season to a minor league contract. . . . Fred Claire, executive vice president, said Todd Worrell threw well and had no problems with his previously injured arm.
