
Try This Instead

In “Putting the Official Stamp on Middle East Border Crossings” (Feb. 13), Christopher Reynolds recommends that prospective travelers to Israel and Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia or one of several smaller Gulf states pursue one of three options to sidestep Arab countries’ unilateral boycott of travelers whose passports bear an Israeli stamp: Ask Israeli immigration officers to stamp a separate piece of paper; get a temporary second U.S. passport, or make Israel the final stop on your itinerary.

I would rather propose three substitute options more consistent with fundamental American values: Visit Israel and skip your trip to any of these Arab nations; inform the local consulate of any Arab nation that you will visit as soon as their government lifts its unilateral travel and economic boycott of Israel, and inform the consulate that as an American who values freedom, you do not appreciate arbitrary and unsupportable restrictions upon your travel based on hatred of any people, race, ethnic group or nation.


Santa Monica
