
LAKE CASITAS : Civil War Buffs to Stage Battle Re-Enactments

Thousand Oaks attorney Ed Mann will roll out his cannon again today as he and about 350 other Civil War buffs re-enact the war between the states at Lake Casitas.

Mann, a member of the Richmond Howitzers unit of the Ft. Tejon Historical Assn. in Castaic, said this weekend’s war games should be great entertainment for anyone attending.

“If the weather holds it should be perfect,” he said. “We’re usually cursed by geography with our brown hillsides, but I’ve seen the field and it’s a perfect green making it much more like the East where the battles were fought.”


Organizers of this weekends Civil War re-enactment are hoping a lot of people come out and see the two days of battle play. Both days will begin with a flag-raising ceremony and a parade of players in their Union and Confederate uniforms. The major battles are scheduled for noon, 2 and 3 p.m.

“I was out here for their rehearsal about three weeks ago, and it’s quite impressive. The ground shakes when those cannons fire,” said Dick Wixon of Gold Coast Productions, which is organizing the event with the owners of Lake Casitas Park.

During breaks in the skirmishes, people can investigate both camps. Along with the guns from the Richmond Howitzers and authentic-looking muskets, visitors will be treated to cavalry charges by some of the riders at the event.


“Of course, this is good theater,” Mann said. “There’s also a whole fantasy aspect to the whole event. You’re out there playing army and it’s a lot of fun.”

The event runs from 10 a.m. to sundown. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for children and $4 for seniors. Children under 3 years are admitted free.
