Racism Crops Up in Unlikely Places
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* Is there no place safe from racist remarks? Even here in this nice quiet community, described by some as intellectual, racism lives.
Right after I moved here last spring I saw a horrible racist remark on the front of the building that now houses BJ’s pizzeria, right there on beautiful Main Street! And last weekend I was faced with just how racist people are. I met a woman who reportedly is a caring individual, giving to the community, someone respected within the community. During the course of a conversation she said (speaking about her black church members), “They are not a book-reading group.” Now perhaps my interpretation of this remark could be wrong--perhaps she was referring to a small group of people, and not all blacks. But how could she make such an authoritive statement about a group whom I’m quite certain she doesn’t know, individually or intimately.
Regardless of the context or intent (she tried to “explain” her statement), it was like a slap in the face. You see, she had no idea she was talking to a black woman. Why must I, just because I look white, be subjected to your racist remarks? It behooves all of us to think before we speak. You never know who you’ll hurt or anger!
One last thought, why can’t people who do make racist remarks simply say “I’m sorry” when confronted with it? Why must they always tell you about all their black friends and all the wonderful things they do in the community and how they love Africa? Give me a break!
Seal Beach