Fullerton Recall Drive Is Justifiable
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* In response to Charles and Peg Lindahl’s letter (“Fullerton Recall Efforts,” Feb. 20): These writers want “to hear from the many Fullerton citizens who stand behind their elected city (government) members who are being threatened with recall for voting for a 2% utility tax.” They may be disappointed in the response they receive, because an overwhelming majority of the electorate want these officials ousted for ignoring the will of the people. These officials were well warned prior to imposing the tax. Hundreds of citizens attended two council meetings, which lasted into the wee hours of the morning, and dozens spoke against the tax and asked that it be placed on the ballot. We just couldn’t get through to them, but now we can.
I, personally, canvassed door-to-door around my neighborhood with recall petitions, and these are the dramatic results. For recall of each of the officials:
* Yes--423 (85%)
* No--73 (15%)
It is obvious, is it not, that the council is out of touch when they vote for a tax that 85% of the people do not want. The writers then compare the 2% tax (soon to become 3%, and who knows how much higher) with that of other cities and say it “is not out of line.” For goodness’ sake, how can the people get the message across that any additional tax is completely unacceptable? Reduction in taxes is the way to go.