
Remembering a Teacher Who Taught About Life

* I was saddened to learn that my most memorable and inspiring junior high school teacher passed away in February.

During my stint at Portola Junior High School (1962 through 1965), Wilbur Hanson nurtured the school’s senior council with invaluable lessons in leadership and life, lessons which have guided many of us to this day.

No doubt Mr. Hanson was consulted when the 1963 yearbook staff conceived its “Recipe for Success”: “One cup of courage, one chunk of enthusiasm, one half-pint ambition, one heaping tablespoon of honesty, one half-cup of knowledge and a pinch of personality. Blend knowledge and ambition together. Add courage and honesty. Melt a chunk of enthusiasm and combine all ingredients together. Add a pinch of personality and mix well. Pour into a nine-inch pan of destiny and bake for a lifetime. Check progress at intervals.”


The Parthenians of Portola have lost their inspirational mentor. Goodby, Mr. Hanson.


Woodland Hills
