RICHARD NIXON: 1913-1994 : Contributors to Nixon Coverage
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The following contributed to the coverage of Richard Nixon’s funeral: Times staff writers Eric Bailey, Leslie Berkman, Jeff Brazil, Mike Broadhurst, John M. Broder, Doreen Carvajal, Aileen Cho, Ann Conway, Alicia Di Rado, Tammerlin Drummond, Faye Fiore, James Gerstenzang, James M. Gomez, E.J. Gong Jr., David Haldane, Shane Harris, Greg Hernandez, Jerry Hicks, Greg Johnson, Matt Lait, Mark Landsbaum, Caroline Lemke, Eric Lichtblau, Mark I. Pinsky, Mark Platte, David Reyes, H.G. Reza, Fernando Romero, Lee Romney, Elaine Tassy, Brent Tempest, Rebecca Trounson, Dan Weikel and Jodi Wilgoren and correspondents Danielle A. Fouquette and Martin Miller; and members of the Times Editorial Photography Department Veronika Andrasovsky, Aurelio Jose Barrera, Mark Boster, Kevin P. Casey, Carol Cheetham, Christine Cotter, Colin Crawford, Harold Crawford, Jacke Crump, David Fitzgerald, Alexander Gallardo, Alexander Garcia, Bob Grieser, David Kawashima, Don Kelsen, Richard Koehler, Robert Lachman, Rick Loomis, Cheryl Murakami, Carlos Puma, Al Schaben, Karen Tapia, Don Tormey and L. Kent Whitehead.