
BUENA PARK : School-Trespass Law Gets Initial Approval

An ordinance prohibiting trespassing by non-students on school campuses was tentatively approved this week by the City Council.

Police Chief Richard M. Tefanksaid state law is inadequate because it allows authorities only to warn first-time trespassers and to prosecute if they return within 72 hours. The city ordinance allows officials to cite or arrest a first-time trespasser.

“This gives us more latitude to make an arrest for trespassing,” Tefank said.

Buena Park High School Principal Tom Triggs said that the high school has not had a serious problem with trespassers but that the ordinance will “assist us in assuring that we just have our students on campus.


Triggs said it will also be helpful during evenings and nights to prevent vandalism and graffiti at the school.

Police Senior Officer Richard Pena, who is also the high school’s resource officer, agreed that the new ordinance gives police and school administrators another tool “to better assure that everybody at school will be safe.”

The ordinance is expected to receive final council approval on May 16 and would become effective 30 days later.
