
New Column Debuts

A new gardening question-and-answer column, written by horticultural expert Jack E. Christensen, starts today in the Real Estate section. The column will appear every other week.

A former vice president of Armstrong Nurseries, Christensen was the nursery company’s chief horticultural authority, handling customers’ gardening questions for more than 15 years.

Christensen is a professional rose hybridizer and has developed more than 70 varieties that have been commercialized in the United States and abroad. Among his most successful roses is the bright yellow 1994 All-America winner, Midas Touch.


He has also worked extensively with fruit trees, ornamentals and vegetables.

“I love gardening and the rewards that accompany it,” he said, “but I don’t have a lot of time to spend at it. So over the years I have sought ways to get optimal results in practical ways.”

Christensen will share his practical advice with readers twice a month. Check today’s column for information on where to send your question.
