
Easing Into Hiking--Step-by-Step

<i> Taking the Kids appears weekly. </i>

The steep climb to the peak in Rocky Mountain National Park wasn’t easy, especially after we had all been soaked by rain. But the panoramic vista was worth every aching muscle . . . at least to the adults in the group.

The kids couldn’t have cared less. They were too busy chasing each other down the trail, hunting for rocks and big sticks and complaining that they were starving. So much for teaching them to appreciate the beauty of nature.

“Don’t expect the kids to see wilderness the same way you do,” said Dave Wyman of Family Adventure Tours (213-939-2819). “Have some patience,” he advised.


“Parents need to understand that a child’s awe at an anthill is just as legitimate as a parent’s awe at the top of the mountain,” agreed veteran hiker Maureen Keilty, who is the mother of a preschooler and author of “Best Hikes With Children in Colorado” and “Best Hikes With Children in Utah” (The Mountaineers, $12.95).

“When you’re hiking with kids, you’ve got to let go of the idea of always getting to the top of the peak,” Keilty said. She recalls leading one group of kids set on hiking to a hot spring near Durango, Colo.--until they spotted a young owlet just learning to fly.

“We sat watching that owl for an hour as it swooped from branch to branch,” Keilty said. “The hot spring lost all importance.”


On trails around the country this summer, parents may find themselves looking at more anthills than mountain peaks. They’ll have lots of company as families take to the woods in what travel experts contend are increasing numbers.

“It’s a combination of this generation of parents being more active and a raised consciousness about the outdoor world,” said Charles Hardy, a Sierra Club official who oversees group trips.

“Nineties parents are interested in getting the kids outdoors,” said Ronit Rieser, publisher of California-based Outdoor Family magazine. “Hiking is a way to go eco-touring close to home.” (For more information about Outdoor Family, a quarterly devoted to California, call 916-451-9466.)


Seattle-based Mountaineers publishing house has found so much interest in the topic that its “Best Hikes With Children” series has been expanded to 13 book titles. Author Keilty recommends that families just learning to hike together start off modestly with no more than a 1,000-foot gain in altitude per mile. When the kids start complaining a lot, she said, it’s time to head back.

“The idea is to enjoy the day together. The quality of time isn’t measured in how far you go,” said Wyman, who lives in Los Angeles and leads families on camping and hiking trips to West Coast destinations such as Sequoia, Kings Canyon and Yosemite national parks. “Don’t be angry if the kids aren’t as enthralled with the wilderness as you are.”

Wyman recommends that families plan on making many stops. And take along some books, crayons and paper to amuse younger children at rest stops.

As long as the kids aren’t taking anything they shouldn’t from the area, working on a collection or having a scavenger hunt is a sure bet to stave off boredom on the trail. Hand out lists and pencils for them to check off their finds.

Don’t leave home without a simple first-aid kit and a water bottle, jacket, sunscreen and hat for each child. Make sure everyone is wearing good athletic shoes or hiking boots and padded socks.

Having enough snacks can also make the difference between a great day or a disastrous one. Keilty suggested having some “surprise” treats to pull out when the whining gets tough. Of utmost importance, kids--even preschoolers--must be taught to stay on the trail and “hug a tree,” should they get separated from the group, she said.
