
A summary of selected City Hall actions last week that affect the Westside.


* YOUTH AT RISK--Instructed the city’s Chief Legislative Analyst to meet with representatives of UCLA and USC to assemble a panel of experts to assist the Community Development Department in formulating programs for Youth at Risk, which aims to keep children out of gangs.

* REWARD--Approved establishing a $15,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the slaying of John Falconer, the choirmaster at St. James Episcopal Church and School, who was shot to death during a robbery on April 21 near Hillhurst and Franklin avenues.

* VOICE MAIL--Approved using $500 from the city’s General Purpose Fund to set up a voice mail system for the West Los Angeles Police Department Division at 1663 Butler Ave.



* LIBRARY FUNDING--Voted to override Mayor Richard Riordan’s veto of a budget item that would increase the amount of funds added to the Library Department by $2.9 million. Passed 14-1.

Voting yes: John Ferraro, Ruth Galanter, Jackie Goldberg, Nate Holden, Mark Ridley-Thomas, Zev Yaroslavsky.

Voting no: Marvin Braude.
