
Villaraigosa Resigns MTA to Campaign : Transportation: Candidate for 45th Assembly District leaves position as alternate on board to concentrate on preparing for November general election.


Antonio Villaraigosa, the Democratic candidate for the 45th Assembly District, has stepped down from his post as an alternate on the Metropolitan Transportation Authority board of directors.

Villaraigosa has served as county Supervisor Gloria Molina’s proxy on the board since the MTA was created last year through the merger of the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission and the Southern California Rapid Transit District. Before that, he was Molina’s appointee on the RTD board of directors.

Rumors have swirled that Molina asked Villaraigosa to resign, angered by meetings between Villaraigosa and some of Molina’s political rivals. But Villaraigosa insisted Thursday it was his decision alone to step down effective Friday, the start of the MTA’s new business year.


“I’m getting ready for my general election, so I figured July 1st was a good day to make (a resignation) effective,” he said. “There are a lot of rumors out there, but the bottom line is that (Molina) never communicated to me that she wanted me to leave, in writing or verbally. People know that I’ve been a trusted alternate.”

Villaraigosa said he had considered, but ultimately decided against, staying on until November to see through the current debate over whether to raise bus fares. As Molina’s appointee, he was the chairman of the MTA board’s fare restructuring committee and a staunch opponent of any fare hikes.

“Antonio Villaraigosa’s tenure on the MTA board proved to be a real asset for the residents of Los Angeles County,” Molina said in a prepared statement Thursday. “He was a particular advocate for bus riders, constantly working to assure quality service to those residents that rely on mass transportation for their livelihood,”


“His service will be missed, but I understand he wanted to concentrate on the November election.”

Villaraigosa said he would continue to speak out on the bus fare issue but acknowledged that his influence might be dimmed somewhat because of his resignation.

“Maybe I would have been a more effective advocate” as an alternate on the MTA board, he said. But “it looks like a majority of the board is looking at (supporting) a fare increase.”


Last month, Villaraigosa won a bitter primary battle in the 45th Assembly District, which stretches from Mt. Washington to Echo Park and includes portions of Boyle Heights and Hollywood. In winning the primary, he captured 50% of the vote.

Molina endorsed Villaraigosa in the primary against opponent Bill Mabie, who was backed by Molina’s rival, Assemblyman Richard Polanco (D-Los Angeles).

Villaraigosa is virtually assured of victory in the November general election because Democrats make up 62% of the district’s registered voters. During the primary, he touted his support for bus riders as one of his top achievements.
