
Vote Based on Sexual Orientation Is Bigotry

Robin Abcarian’s June 12 column (“Waking Up With an Election Hangover”) requires a response. I couldn’t believe she would admit in print that she voted for Tony Miller because “it’s high time we had an openly gay state official.” It’s a knee-jerk response at best to vote for a candidate because of that person’s sexual orientation, gender, race, et al, without considering his/her background and philosophical beliefs.

She also writes that she voted, as usual, for “anything with the word school in it . . . and access improvement for the disabled.” I’m glad she voted for the latter, although it was my understanding the proposition was designed to protect business owners who installed ramps and other amenities from higher property taxes following mandated changes.

Perhaps it will turn out it was I who didn’t read it correctly, but it is a certain fact that one of us sure didn’t know what the heck we were doing in our booths, and at least I didn’t vote for it because of a buzzword.



Oak View


Robin Abcarian should be much more careful. Doesn’t she realize that by bragging that she voted for Miller just because he is a homosexual and gave financial support to Sheila Kuehl just because she is a lesbian, she has denied herself the right to criticize those bigots who vote against political candidates just because they’re gay?


Los Angeles
