
PORT HUENEME : Sen. Feinstein Tours Port on Campaign Trail

Sen. Dianne Feinstein made a brief stop in Ventura County Wednesday, touring the Port of Hueneme as part of a campaign swing through Southern California.

The Democratic incumbent, who took a 45-minute tour of the port before holding a brief press conference, is being challenged for reelection by Rep. Michael Huffington (R-Santa Barbara).

Officials from the Oxnard Harbor District invited Feinstein for a visit in the wake of her support of legislation to allow the district and the U.S. Naval Construction Battalion Center to share a wharf.


“Ports shouldn’t be kitsch or boutiques,” said Feinstein, adding that California should take full advantage of its proximity to Asia. Instead, she said, they should provide “jobs for people, production and movement of goods and services.”

The joint-use agreement between the harbor and the Navy will allow the harbor to make improvements to Wharf No. 3 and then lease it. The profits will be shared by the Navy and the harbor, said U.S. Navy Capt. Ray Fosse, president of the Board of Harbor Commissioners.

During the visit, her first to the port, Feinstein met with representatives from Sunkist Growers, Del Monte Fresh Produce, Cool Carriers USA and BMW of North America. She was presented with a framed aerial photograph of the port.


Bill Quarles, a spokesman for Sunkist Growers, said Feinstein is trying to persuade Thailand to buy American citrus products. Quarles said Thailand has an embargo against U.S. citrus because of certain agricultural pests here.
