
LONG BEACH : State Asked to Be Ally in Curing Ills of Alleys

Crime, transients and traffic are growing problems in the sprawling network of alleys behind many Long Beach homes, and the City Council decided last week to appeal to the state for help.

Councilman Alan S. Lowenthal said the California Vehicle Code prevents cities from changing alleys, including closing them off or adding lights.

Last week, at Lowenthal’s request, the council unanimously voted to pass a resolution asking the State Legislature to allow such changes.


Lowenthal said he constantly receives reports of scavengers making noise as they search for recyclables, of graffiti and crime problems and motorists using alleys as shortcuts.

Blocking the alleys at strategic points to control traffic but allow access to residents and trash service might be one solution, Lowenthal said. But any local measures to solve the problems would be a waste of time if Long Beach could not implement the changes, he said.
