
County May Sell Training Services

Training and child-care programs that were slashed from past Ventura County budgets could be offered again under a plan allowing the county’s Personnel Department to charge public agencies and private businesses for services.

The Board of Supervisors agreed Tuesday to let personnel officials develop a training program they could offer to other county agencies, city governments and businesses.

“Basically, what we’re asking is for you to allow us to operate more like a private business,” Personnel Director Ron Komers told the board, which will take its final vote on the measure Sept. 13.


For years, officials have trained other county employees in such skills as time management smoking cessation. But years of budget cuts have steadily eroded the training budget.

Under the proposed program, county agencies would pay the Personnel Department for such training. The one-minute manager course would cost $37 per person, while basic supervision would cost $256 per person. City employees or private groups could buy training as well, for about double the price.
