
News Challenge

Top of the News

Choose the answer that best completes the information from last week’s news. 1. Four student demonstrators were arrested Thursday after a four-hour demonstration at Golden West College in Huntington Beach. What were the students protesting? a. Increased fees at Golden West College. b. President Philip Westin’s ban of the Latino club, MEChA. c. A new grading system. 2. Orange County law enforcement and health care officials are pursuing the county’s first drug court, which exists in several cities throughout the nation already. What is the aim of the drug court? a. To more easily prosecute and imprison nonviolent drug offenders. b. To provide the option of rehabilitation to drug offenders. c. Both of the above. 3. A recent Los Angeles Times poll found that reported crime overall in Orange County has dropped 7.6% in the first six months of 1994. What else did the poll discover? a. Property crime decreased, while violent crime increased over the same period. b. Property crime increased, while violent crime decreased over the same period. c. There was an across-the-board decrease in both property crime and violent crime. 4. Mike Altman and Ryan Christensen want to fly 18 American flags over their new tire store on West Lincoln Avenue in Anaheim. But they have discovered a 27-year-old city ordinance limiting the number of flags one can put up. What is the limit? a. 3 flags b. 4 flags c. 5 flags 5. According to a new analysis by scientists of nine serious Southland earthquakes over the past 61 years, how did the Northridge temblor affect the quake potential for areas of metropolitan Los Angeles? a. Measurably increased the potential. b. Greatly diminished the potential. c. The scientists concluded there was no way to assess the potential. 6. American and Caribbean officials declared: “Our governments are equally united in their determination to take all necessary means to carry out the U.N. Security Council mandate to restore the democratic process in Haiti.” The 11 countries that comprise the Caribbean Community agreed to supply a U.S.-led invasion force with: a. Whatever it takes to restore ousted Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to power. b. At least 10,000 soldiers. c. A single company of 266 soldiers. 7. The Irish Republican Army has claimed responsibility for many violent acts in its 25-year attempt to end British control over Northern Ireland. The IRA announced that as of midnight, Aug. 31, it was: a. Stepping up its agenda of violence. b. Ending the use of violence. c. Officially declaring war on Britain.

People in the News

Match the news personalities on the left with the news developments on the right. 1. Bernice Harris 2. Kathleen Brown 3. Ryan Turley 4. Cathy Skillman 5. Tiger Woods 6. Rosa Parks 7. Robert Reich 8. Ernesto Perez Balladares a. 81-year-old civil rights pioneer who was assaulted in home by burglar. b. Cypress man who became the youngest winner in the history of the U.S. Amateur Golf Championship. c. 48-year-old, U.S.-trained banker who was sworn in as president of Panama. d. Labor secretary who warned that rapid job growth has failed to offset growing wage and income inequality in the United States. e. One of about 120 Garden Grove residents who demonstrated at a Garden Grove adult bookstore. The bookstore intends to open a nude juice bar. f. San Clemente resident who is one of eight American youths spending next spring studying with the Bolshoi Ballet Company in Moscow. g. Democratic gubernatorial candidate who held a news conference in Irvine with a message designed to appeal to the middle class. To date, her opponent, Gov. Pete Wilson, has declined her challenge to five debates. h. Woman who has filed a suit against her former employer, the Festival of the Arts in Laguna Beach. Her supervisor asked her to clean the men’s restroom while it was occupied.

Places in the News

Match the place names and events with the correct geographic descriptions. 1. LOS ANGELES MEMORIAL COLISEUM: Reopened after being red-tagged due to Jan. 17 earthquake, it was declared it to be “the only outdoor sporting venue in Southern California that meets current seismic safety codes.” 2. ANAHEIM: The Planning Commission has approved a $172-million revitalization plan aimed at easing urban decay around Disneyland. 3. WISCONSIN: Four people killed in tornadoes. 4. AMAZON JUNGLE: Avon is there and doing a booming business. 5. MARYLAND: Will be base of operations for Lockheed and Martin Marietta in the biggest defense consolidation ever. a. About two-thirds as large as the United States, it is the world’s largest tropical rain forest. b. Northern state bordering on Lakes Superior and Michigan. c. Mid-Atlantic state and one of the original 13 states. d. Site of two Olympic Games, the World Series and many important political and entertainment events, it is situated just west of the Harbor Freeway in Exposition Park. e. City situated in central Orange County. Home of the Los Angeles Rams.


Answers Give yourself one point for each of the questions that you answered correctly. Check your total score below to see how knowledgeable you are about the news. 18 or above: On Top of the News; 16-17: Informed; 14-15: Somewhat Informed; 10-13: Behind on the News; 0-9: In the Dark. Orange County news questions by Shane Harris. Answers News 1:b, 2:b, 3:a, 4:a, 5:a, 6:c, 7:b. People1:h, 2:g, 3:f, 4:e, 5:b, 6:a, 7:d, 8:c. Places 1:d, 2:e, 3:b, 4:a, 5:c.
