
Roseanne’s Changes Don’t Spill Over Into ‘Roseanne’


A Roseanne is a Roseanne is a Roseanne.

The divorce action is proceeding. The estranged husband and business partner is on to other things. And “Roseanne,” starring Roseanne, is back on track for its seventh season. Producers say the show remains very much the same--only different.

In the months since fans of the popular ABC comedy last saw the struggling Conner family in a first-run episode, the star, Roseanne Arnold, filed for divorce, withdrew the filing, filed again and announced she was dropping her last name. Ex-husband Tom Arnold, who had been an executive producer on “Roseanne,” struck out with his CBS show, “Tom,” but struck gold with his role in the summer movie “True Lies.” Both acquired new, younger love interests. And “Roseanne” was given a new time slot, flip-flopping with “Home Improvement.”

Although viewers might expect that so much change would result in dramatic alterations in the tone and direction of “Roseanne,” executive producer and head writer Rob Ulin indicated that the more things change, the more they remain the same.


“The show itself will not change,” Ulin said. “Yes, Tom is no longer with us, but we’re not trying to reinvent the show. We’re just trying to keep it strong.”

With Tom Arnold out of the picture, Roseanne, who is also an executive producer, is taking a more active role behind the scenes, Ulin said.

The Conner family will have more than its share of difficulties this season, as always. All the family members, including the boyfriend of daughter Darlene and the husband of daughter Becky are now living under one roof. Roseanne will cope with the fact that there are more boys than girls in her house. The biggest change of all: Roseanne gets pregnant.


But viewers can count on one tradition staying true to form, said Ulin: “Yes, we will have a big Halloween show.”

* “Roseanne” starts its new season at 9 tonight on ABC (Channels 7, 3, 10 and 42).
