
Reno Rebuffs Wilson, Says State Hasn’t Sought Immigration Funds


In a formal but frosty response to Gov. Wilson’s request that President Clinton declare an “immigration emergency” in California, Atty. Gen. Janet Reno said Wednesday that such a declaration is not needed to request federal aid.

Reno sent Wilson a letter Wednesday in which she said that a special U.S. Justice Department immigration fund has been available since June.

“Notably, neither the state of California nor any of its subdivisions has filed an application for reimbursement from the Immigration Emergency Fund,” the attorney general wrote. “The state and/or any local jurisdiction may apply at any time. There is no need for a presidential or other declaration of a state of emergency in order to trigger eligibility for reimbursement.”


The latest political sparring on immigration came one day after the San Diego County Board of Supervisors declared an emergency, telling Wilson their county has been unduly burdened by the cost of services to illegal immigrants. Wilson promptly fired off a letter to Clinton requesting the emergency aid and criticizing the federal government.

“Clearly, the federal government has failed in its responsibility to close our borders,” Wilson wrote. “That represents an intolerable burden on California.”
