
Topics / LAW : Monrovia Raises DUI Impound Fee to $230

The price paid by drunk drivers just shot up.

The Monrovia City Council on Sept. 20 approved an ordinance allowing police officers to charge convicted drunk drivers $230 to have vehicles released from impound, up from a $50 fee.

The money will be used to fund DARE drug and gang prevention programs in local schools, Monrovia Police Sgt. Jay Olds said.

Even those found not guilty of drunk driving charges must pay a $50 administrative fee to retrieve an impounded vehicle.


Other police departments also charge impound fees when citizens are arrested and their cars impounded, regardless of whether the person is eventually found guilty or innocent.

Arcadia, Baldwin Park and El Monte all charge $30 to $55, according to records clerks in those departments.

“We just started this year when we found out most cities were charging,” said Stella Weimer, a records clerk for the Arcadia Police Department, which charges $30.


“We never really get any complaints.”
