
Beaches: A Voice of Opposition to the Ocean Front Walk Plan

I am pleased that Mark Ryavec is recognizing the voice of the Venice Town Council. As past-president of the Town Council, this is quite refreshing. However, the rest of Mr. Ryavec’s letter (Sept. 29) is the usual character assassination and pejorative. I am vehemently opposed to Mr. Ryavec’s plan for the Ocean Front Walk.

Contrary to Mr. Ryavec’s pleadings, most of Venice opposed his plan. His anti-democratic leanings are obvious when he equates the attendance at the workshops with the right to decide. I, like many others, could not spend my Saturdays in these workshops. I have testified as to my feelings. He has a real commercial interest in this plan, which he disingenuously avoids mentioning. But no, Mr. Ryavec, I am not one of those pesky renters. (Although most Venetians are.) My wife and I are homeowners. I just resent the divisive tactics used by Mr. Ryavec and others in support of this obscene and useless reconstruction of the Venice Ocean Front Walk.

