
That sinking feeling:Cameron Paschall of Long Beach...

That sinking feeling:

Cameron Paschall of Long Beach notes that the phone number for requesting a CruiseLand USA travel guide is 1-800-SOS-SHIP.

“I’m wondering if SOS-SHIP is the best 800 number they could have chosen for people going on a cruise?” he said. “Maybe 1-800-TITANIC was taken.”


A candidate who cried wolf once too often?Forget about the undocumented worker controversy. Disc jockey Wolfman Jack has sued Mike Huffington in federal court in Los Angeles, claiming that the U.S. Senate candidate’s commercials “deliberately imitated (Wolfman’s) distinctive voice and ‘wolf calls’ ” without WJ’s permission.


Wolfman, also known for his movie role in “American Graffiti,” howled that the ads made it appear that he endorsed the Republican Huffington over Dianne Feinstein, when he would have “refused” permission for them to be broadcast.

We think the fact that the commercial spots were narrated by a Huffington backer identified as “Jackman Wolf” is simply more evidence that the Republican Party is trying to embrace diverse elements.

The Corvette angle: Jeff Yip sent along a page from the December, 1994, issue of the publication Corvette Fever, which ran this letter from a Buffalo resident:


“I recently purchased a 1968 Corvette convertible. . . . I was told this car was purchased by O.J. Simpson, the former Buffalo Bills star running back. Is there any way of finding out if there’s any truth to this?”

An editor of the publication suggested: “Write directly to O.J. in care of the Buffalo Bills, asking them to forward it. Sometimes these folks are happy to know where their old Corvette is.”


Don’t invitems: That was the phrase the late columnist Walter Winchell used to describe rivals. As Connie Phillips points out, it would certainly seem to apply to one vet who caters to Tweetys and Silvesters.



Baby Doe Productions (cont.): Here’s our last set of reader nominees for the name of the new Geffen-Katzenberg-Spielberg studio.

* “id, ego and superego, inc.” (Denise Chalmers).

* “GeKS” (Micheal Zorek, who explains that it would be “pronounced geeks--a fitting tribute to all those nerdy kids who go on in life to succeed.”)

* “Fatigue of Their Own” (Jana Morphis)

* “The Three AmEgos” (Zachary Charles, who protested that we previously lumped him in with other readers who suggested “The Three Egos.”)

* “Tom, Dick & Harry Studios” (Lori Romeo)


And the winner?First prize goes to Mark Miller, who will be treated to our freebie manuscript of “Hollywood Haunted” by Laurie Jacobson. (Just in time for Halloween, too.) Miller felt the studio, like any new operation, needed a name that would project stability, yet humility.

He suggested:

“More Money Than God, Inc.”

miscelLAny The real name of disc jockey Wolfman Jack is Robert Smith. What, he didn’t think Robert Smith was exciting enough for show biz?
