
LOS ALAMITOS : City, Chamber Plan Community Event

The City Council has agreed to join the Los Alamitos Area Chamber of Commerce in sponsoring a community event to showcase local businesses.

A health fair and scholarship pageant will be held simultaneously with the unnamed community event, tentatively scheduled for June 10.

In a unanimous vote last week, the council agreed to donate two scholarships of $500 each for winners of the pageant, the details of which have yet to be worked out.


In addition, the council agreed to waive fees for the use of Laurel Park, where the event will be staged.

“Someday this could be big for the community,” said George Briggeman Jr., chamber president.

“We want the city to be our partner in this project,” he said.

Briggeman said that local restaurants will operate food booths, and the Los Alamitos Medical Center will sponsor a health fair at which residents may get free dental and health checkups.


Because the events will be family-oriented, council members rejected the chamber’s proposal that beer sales be allowed at the fair.

Students in Los Alamitos will choose the name and design the logo for the event in a contest that will be launched soon, Briggeman said.
