
LOG ON L.A. : Calling Up the Great White Way

<i> Jaclyn Easton is the host of "Log On L.A.," which airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. on KIEV-AM 870</i>

If you are a consummate An drew Lloyd Webber fan and want to know if the “Sunset Boulevard” soundtrack is worth money, where do you go? Worse yet, what if it is 2 a.m. and you have a burning question about the lyrics in the “Godspell” prologue?

Between the Internet Musical Theater Mailing List and Internet Musical Theatre Usenet Group, you can safely bet that there isn’t a question related to musical theater that has been left unsung.

Join in and get the latest “Evita” tour information or reminisce about “The Sound of Music,” among other topics.


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