
SYLMAR : Free Job Training Is Offered to 35 Women

An open house for a free training program for women who want non-traditional careers is slated Jan. 10 at Mission College.

Every year, the college offers free training, supplies and bus passes and pays $200 a month in child care for 35 women who want to begin such careers.

“This is to get women to enter fields that have been male-dominated for years,” said Yvette Cruzalegui, director of the program, called the Step-Up Project. Careers include automotive repair, plumbing, electronics and engineering.


Even if Mission College does not offer classes in the subject that a woman is interested in pursuing, the college will pay for her to take a class at another institution. Cruzalegui said the training takes from six months to two years.

Applications are being accepted for the program, which begins Jan. 17.

For information, call (818) 837-2236.
