
Aronberg Quote

Please permit me to correct some words attributed to me (“Charges of Police Racism Tear at Beverly Hills’ Image,” Dec. 27) that were very hurtful to me and insulting to African Americans.

What I said was that I have seen many people stopped by our Police Department and that most were Caucasian and not African American. But because of African Americans’ long experience with racism, some might have an understandable problem when questioned by a law enforcement agency. The “chip on the shoulder” quote was completely out of context.

The story did harm to me, to Beverly Hills and to African Americans. I served this city for 12 years as council member and twice as mayor. I would not, nor do I believe that our Police Department would, tolerate any violation of civil rights.


We are very proud of the contributions African Americans have made in our community, in city government, in the professions, in business and the arts, and in every walk of life. We are dedicated to the advancement of all peoples and equal protection under the law.


Former Mayor

City of Beverly Hills
