
Don’t Be Cruel

Usually letters are about negative reviews, but I’m writing about a positive one (“Have You Heard the News?,” Jan. 10). Like everyone else at the 10th annual Elvis Birthday Bash, which I co-produce, Richard Cromelin apparently enjoyed himself.

He complained, however, that the performers and music were getting overly familiar. That’s like complaining there’s too much reggae at a Bob Marley tribute!

Most people don’t hear “too much” rockabilly or ‘50s-’60s style rock these days; our gathering of roots purists is unique. It’s exactly for the predictability of the music that people come--they know they’re gonna get old-style rock ‘n’ roll, guys and gals in vintage clothes, 30 or 40 stand-up basses and nobody dressed in Vegas jumpsuits or making fat-Elvis jokes.


You can call it predictable; I call it wonderful.

Cromelin also wished that there were more female performers. Me too! Two canceled. We’d have more women if they applied--more Chicanos and blacks and Norwegians too--but we don’t select the applicants. People solicit us and we choose ones that are pure of heart.

“If I Can Dream” of a better formula for the show, we’ll do it, but right now we “Don’t.” It’s the “One Night” that people “Can’t Help Falling in Love” with Elvis again. If we changed it, they might get “All Shook Up.”


