
Battle Over Radar Location Continues

Recently, in a story in The Times concerning the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling in a case regarding the Nexrad Radar at Sulphur Mountain, your reporter wrote that this ruling ended the fight over the radar. That statement was inaccurate.

Ventura County Citizens Against Radar Emissions, the principal organization fighting to move the radar, has never been a part of the lawsuit to provide an environmental impact statement. We believe that the outrageous excess of the National Weather Service’s Washington bureaucrats can only be rectified by congressional action. Our program has been to obtain that action.

We are beginning to enjoy some success. The Department of Commerce appropriation bill contained language relating to a future relocation of the radar at Sulphur Mountain. We will continue to work in that direction. The battle is far from over.




Kim Maxwell-Brown chairs the Ventura County Citizens Against Radar Emissions.
