
Suits Against Chrysler Aren’t ‘Frivolous’

The corporate giants continue their calculated assault on the rights of consumers and their lawyers (“Chrysler Takes on ‘Frivolous’ Suits With Legal Action Against 5 Lawyers,” March 27).

Through misrepresentations and fictitious anecdotes, they hope to turn consumers on themselves.

The latest Chrysler cry is typical. The “frivolous” suits addressed in the article have nothing to do with frivolity and everything to do with Chrysler’s own incompetence in retaining lawyers who allegedly breached ethical duties.


Our justice system already has highly effective methods in place to eliminate frivolous lawsuits (for example, motions to dismiss and for summary judgment) and to deal sternly with unethical lawyers (state bar disciplinary actions).

Chrysler should spend less time and money issuing news releases about “frivolous” lawsuits and more effort selecting in-house lawyers with the ability to choose ethical outside counsel.

As to the corporate giant assault on consumer rights, thank goodness California voters got through the smoke and mirrors and rejected Propositions 200, 201 and 202. And thank goodness that President Clinton recently vowed to veto the Products Liability Bill, legislation designed by the Gingrich Congress to strip away consumer rights in order to fatten corporate America. Perhaps, just perhaps, the time has come for goodness and fairness to prevail.



Consumer attorney

