
Quake Rental Aid Deadline Nearing

People who applied for federal rental assistance following the 1994 Northridge earthquake must submit receipts for rent reimbursement to the Federal Emergency Management Agency by May 17.

This date marks the end of the quake-related rent-relief program, and receipts submitted beyond the deadline will not be accepted, according to Vallee Bunting of the local FEMA office.

Under FEMA’s disaster-housing program, homeowners and renters whose homes were made unlivable by the quake were eligible for three months rent to help defray housing costs.


Since the Northridge quake, about 120,000 people have applied for an estimated $375 million in rental assistance, making it the largest disaster ever in terms of federal assistance.

Of those who applied, about 960 have yet to submit rental receipts, Bunting said.

Receipts should be sent to P.O. Box 8020, Redwood City, CA 94063.

People with questions may call the disaster information hotline at (800) 299-1160 or (415) 652-4133.
