
City Clamps Down on Massage Parlors

In an effort to curb illegal activities at massage parlors, the City Counil has adopted a new ordinance.

The statute requires massage technicians to be “fully clothed” while performing services. Masseurs and masseuses will also be subject to background checks by the Police Department. In addition, those giving massages will be prohibited from touching their patrons’ genitals or buttocks.

“The legitimate masseurs and masseuses are very supportive of this” ordinance, Police Chief Patrick E. McKinley said.


Other restrictions include:

* No massages may be performed before 7 a.m. or after 9 p.m. at any business where massages are performed.

* A massage establishment must post its permit.

* Massage technicians must wear a city-issued photo identification card whenever they are working.

Violators would lose their permits to operate and could face action by the city attorney.
