
Nurse Appreciated

Thank you for your May 20 article regarding Debbie Sutterfield, a hospice nurse in Orange County. Last year she cared for my father during the last weeks of his battle with pancreatic cancer. She brought dignity to a very proud man who was experiencing what could have been a humiliating experience. Even when our family had gathered for what can only be called a “death watch,” Sutterfield reminded us of the importance of humor and joy.

For anyone going through a similar situation, I strongly recommend that they look into hospice care. My father was able to stay home, rather than trekking back and forth to doctors’ offices and hospitals. A hospice also provides help in the way of housekeeping, barbers, etc. (Let’s face it--many people can’t stand the idea of their spouse or children giving them a sponge bath, so hospice care can ease that type of situation as well.)

I never thanked Sutterfield personally for the care she provided our entire family during the most difficult time in our lives. Your article reminded me of the rare individual who can ease the pain.



Santa Ana
