
Restaurant Gets Permit Allowing Late-Night Music

Twin Palms restaurant has received a live-entertainment permit from the city, allowing it to continue offering late-night bands for now, restaurant President Dennis H. Constanzo said Monday.

But a lawsuit against the restaurant citing its allegedly noisy bands is still pending in Orange County Superior Court. The suit was filed by the restaurant’s neighbor, Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, which alleges that the bands keep its guests awake at night.

In an oversight, Twin Palms had failed to get the live-entertainment permit before its November 1995 opening. According to a city report on the permit, a noise expert has found that Twin Palms’ bands do not exceed noise standards.


Still, Constanzo said, Twin Palms wants to work out the problem with the Four Seasons.

“Even though we have entertainment permit in hand, and if you will, it’s a victory for us, we still take the same position that we want to be good neighbors,” Constanzo said.
