
Students Prepare for State Special Olympics

After weeks, and sometimes years, of practicing golf, gymnastics, swimming and track and field events, 17 athletes from Leichman and Miller high schools will get a chance to compete at the state Special Olympics this weekend at UCLA.

The Special Olympics, designed as a competition for mentally handicapped athletes, includes events ranging from the softball throw and the 100-meter run to swimming and golf, explained Chris Akard, an adaptive physical education teacher at Leichman who will accompany her school’s students to the games.

Depending on the particular student, she said, the games mean different things.

“Some students don’t realize that they’re actually [at the Special Olympics],” she said. “Others are totally into the competition aspect of the event and are really striving to win.”


And for the hard-core competitors, she added, the Special Olympics has one big bonus. “Everyone is a winner. Whether they get a ribbon or a medal, they’re just thrilled.”

Leichman’s track and field competitors are Daniel Alarcon, Patricia Flores, Pedro Flores, Elizabeth Maldonado, Frank Moreno, Christina Ortiz, Carmen Rivera, Dede Robledo, Jessica Mulato and Adriana Homsi. Leichman swimmers are Blair Williamson, Matthew Dain, Maria Martinez, Randy Latham and Jonathan Garden. Student Theresa Maseda will compete in gymnastics.

Miller’s Mindy Zazanis will compete in golf, a Special Olympics exhibition sport.
