
Fire Prevention Tips to Be Discussed

In preparation for the sweltering and arid months to come, Fire Capt. Alberto Abarca will discuss summer fire prevention tips Tuesday at the monthly meeting of the Studio City Residents Assn.

Specifically, Abarca said, hillside and flatland dwellers should concentrate on clearing any kindling-type plants around their homes, because in the Southland “we do have the fast fuel--native weeds and brushes.”

“Basically, what you need to do is keep the brush away from your house or from any combustible fences or sheds,” Abarca said. “Most of what we usually tell people is to trim all the native brush within 100 feet of your home and 10 feet from roadways.”


If those basic requirements--codified in the city’s brush clearance ordinance--are not met, the city will eventually accept bids to clear dangerous lots. The cost of the bid, Abarca said, will wind up on the owner’s property tax bill.

Abarca, stationed at the new temporary Fire Station No. 78 on Coldwater Canyon Boulevard north of Ventura Boulevard, will also brief residents on his recently opened station--a replacement for the earthquake-destroyed original station at the same site.

For nearly two years, before the temporary station was opened in May, Studio City emergencies were covered from the Vineland Avenue Fire Station in North Hollywood, Abarca said.


With the temporary station in operation, “it should shorten up response times,” he said.

Tuesday’s meeting will begin at 8 p.m. in the auditorium of Carpenter Avenue Elementary School, 3909 Carpenter Ave.
