
Bus Trips Offered to Dodger Games

They can’t do anything about apple pie, or Mom for that matter, but officials at the county Parks and Recreation Department have made enjoying America’s pastime a little easier this summer, offering two bus trips to baseball games at Dodger Stadium.

The bus trips will leave from Sylmar’s El Cariso Park at 13100 Hubbard St. and are open on an availability basis to adults and youngsters 8 and older. The round trip costs $13 for adults and $10 for children 8 to 12.

The evening trips are scheduled for July 17, when the Dodgers face the San Diego Padres, and Aug. 21, when they meet the Philadelphia Phillies. Buses leave the park at 6 p.m. for the 7:35 p.m. games.


For the July 17 game, reservations and payments must be made at the park by July 12.

For the Aug. 21 game, payment is required by Aug. 16.

For information, call the park at (818) 367-7050.
