
Library Construction to Begin in December

The sign reads: “Future Home of the Los Feliz Branch.”

The big blue and white banner is fastened to a chain-link fence that surrounds a vacant lot on the southeast corner of Hillhurst and Franklin avenues, begging the question: When?

According to officials at the Los Angeles Public Library, Los Feliz residents will not have a permanent library branch in the neighborhood for at least two more years.

Library officials say the building is in the “design phase,” and groundbreaking for the structure is scheduled for December. Construction should take 14 to 18 months to complete.


“The building is going to be beautiful,” said Jennifer Lambelet, Hollywood-area manager for the city library. “There will be beautiful windows for seeing the Hollywood sign and an outdoor amphitheater for children’s programs and music concerts.”

In addition, the Los Feliz branch will feature a multipurpose room for community gatherings and art programs and a story-telling room, she said. The structure will have 10,500 square feet of space and parking for 21 vehicles.

The branch is now operating out of a store-front in a strip mall at 1801 Hillhurst, a rented site half the size of the planned branch, officials said.
