
GOP Has Set Agenda on Medicare Reforms

Robert A. Rosenblatt certainly had some sobering statistics that make any thinking person demand a solution (“Ducking and Dodging the Issue of Financing Medicare for Boomers,” View From Washington, July 7). The only problem was his comment that “Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich have something they can agree on--a way to push serious discussion of Medicare into the hazy future.”

This is a totally ridiculous statement. The truth of the matter is that Gingrich and the Republicans have been the ones setting the agenda on this issue and at least nine other items, or has Rosenblatt never heard of the contract with America?

The fact is that Gingrich and the Republicans have been bloodied by extremist big spenders in Congress and their parrots in the mainstream press (which acts as an arm of the Democratic National Committee). It’s obvious that Rosenblatt is a captive of that same mainstream press.



Pacific Palisades
