
Disappointed Over KPCC

I too, like Frank Malfitano, am frustrated and disappointed at KPCC’s format change--and even more so at the alienating way in which it was implemented (“The Most Feared Words in Radio: ‘Format Change,’ ” July 29).

KPCC purports to be a publicly supported station. Unfortunately, station management gave that public no chance to participate in the decision about programming. When the Corp. for Public Broadcasting dictated to KPCC that its pledge base increase, station management should have told the listeners about the options they were faced with and allowed us to offer our input.

Much as I loved the daytime music, I can see the sense in switching to an all-talk format during the day. The previous program mix of talk during the drive times and music in between did not always go together too well. But why couldn’t the station have made the format change more palatable by keeping the classic American music during the evening hours and weekends, instead of switching to yet another variation on the same rock theme?


Ironically, KPCC is offering a very conservative brand of “alternative” rock that makes KSCA seem avant-garde. What made KPCC a unique and cherished radio station was its locally produced programming exploring America’s musical heritage. It’s tragic that they’ve thrown these programs away to give us more of the same.

I will no longer support KPCC financially unless Ian Whitcomb and Joe Monte’s celebration of the ‘20s, “Don’t Wake Me Up, Let Me Dream,” returns to the air.

Robert Ray

