
Scant Coverage of Ballot Issues Is Absurd

Regarding “Most L.A. TV Stations Refuse to Set Aside Time for Issues” (Sept. 23):

I must take the side of the Spanish-language TV stations. The main Los Angeles English counterparts can’t reasonably include a mere 10 minutes per hour of news to state and local ballot measures? That is so absurd!

KCOP-TV Channel 13 news director Steve Cohen said, “To force political coverage in a given time slot is an absurdity.” It’s not an absurdity from a public service standpoint. Too many people nowadays shun politics and have no regard for participating in the political system of this country. That, to me, is a national shame and is in dire need of change. If a major medium of information (L.A. TV news directors: That means those organizations that you’re running!) can’t provide the most important information, then they aren’t serving the grounds of their existence--to serve the public.

Therefore, kudos to the Spanish-language TV stations for providing “real news” coverage of ballot measures, and shame on the English ones for not doing so.



Garden Grove
