
Tobacco Farmers

In “Troubles Mount for Nation’s Tobacco Farms” (Oct. 14), a farmer is quoted as saying, “You can’t turn your back on people’s lifeblood. You can’t just tell farmers to grow something else.”

Of course you can! Remember when California had to forgo its dependence on the aerospace industry a few years back, sacrificing thousands of jobs? Well, we suffered for a while, but we recovered--and the whole world is a lot better off.

Some industries are simply vulnerable to improvements in the human condition. For example, if people were to get healthier as a result of decreased smoking, what about the potential layoff of doctors, nurses and insurance company personnel that would result from a decrease in medical treatment for smoking-related diseases? Not to mention a decline in the market for stop-smoking programs. And ultimately its effect on the funeral industry.


In any event, I haven’t heard anyone in health care suggesting that we continue sponsoring the tobacco industry so that their jobs are assured!


Huntington Beach
