
Trustees Accept Vote on Ouster of Philips

Ending months of disagreement, Santa Paula Elementary school trustees decided to accept their attorney’s ruling about an earlier decision not to renew Supt. Dave Philips’ employment contract at the end of the school year.

Attorney Robert Taylor, in a written statement given to the board during its Monday night meeting, determined that trustees had voted in a Nov. 4 closed session to end the superintendent’s contract in June.

Several trustees had contended after that meeting that the vote had been to extend Philips’ contract for two years, but accepted the attorney’s decision.


Before a new superintendent is hired, board members may consider changing the provisions of the superintendent’s contract. Currently, the superintendent has some leeway setting his salary, a policy that dissatisfied several trustees.

“If there is a new contract in June, I’m sure the board will entertain revising and introducing a new contract of sorts,” said trustee Dan Robles.

Philips, who has served the 3,600-student district since 1989 and earns more than $104,000, said he would be interested in taking a lower-paying post as a teacher.


“It’s a lot less stress,” Philips said about teaching. He said returning to the teaching staff would allow him and his wife, a district teacher, to have the same work schedule and share more vacation time.

Also at Monday’s meeting, trustees elected Robles board president, and new board member Steven Schuell replaced outgoing trustee Gene Marzec. Robles and Schuell said they would try moving past the bickering that has plagued the board this past year.

“I’d like to get back on track to being concerned with items that have a direct impact on the kids, children, teachers and schools, and hope that we can be a cohesive board with a shared vision,” Robles said.


Schuell, a chiropractor, was elected after Marzec left his post to make an unsuccessful bid for a seat on the Santa Paula Union High School District board.
