
Obituaries - Feb. 8, 1997

Earhart, Ella S., 77, of Oxnard, retired bookkeeper. James A. Reardon Mortuary, Oxnard.

Edelson, Lewis J., 75, of Ventura, retired industrial designer for Javelin Electronics. Guardian Memorial Funeral Directors & Crematory, Oxnard.

Giles, Lidio H., 78, of Ventura, retired truck driver. Joseph P. Reardon Funeral Home, Ventura.

Ostrom, June E., 78, of Thousand Oaks, retired Camarillo State Hospital employee, Pierce Brothers Griffin Mortuary, Camarillo.


Sheaha, Susan. H., 38, of Oxnard, assembly line worker for Assn. for Retarded Citizens. Aabbey Memorial Services of Ventura County, Thousand Oaks.

Strawbridge, James, 72, of Ventura, retired financial analyst for Lockheed. Ted Mayr Funeral Home, Ventura.

Ventura County obituaries are published free of charge as a public service to readers. Obituaries are based on information provided by mortuaries.
