
Lens-Eye Views of Russia and Mexico

Major exhibits of two world-class photographers, from Russia and Mexico, open this month in San Francisco and New York.

“Russia in Black and White: The Photojournalism of Yevgeny Khaldei,” Feb. 24 through July 17 at the Jewish Museum San Francisco, is the first West Coast showing by a man widely regarded as Russia’s greatest combat photographer. It includes more than 100 photographs from the 1930s through 1960s.

Khaldei, 80, worked for the Russian news agency Tass and the Pravda newspaper. Museum admission is $5 for adults, $2.50 seniors and students. Information: (415) 543-8880.


Mexico’s Manuel Alvarez Bravo, 95, whose work gets its most comprehensive look ever Feb. 20 toMay 18 at New York’s Museum of Modern Art, is considered the father of modern Mexican photography. Unlike Khaldei, he has been more influenced by painting, especially Surrealism, than journalism.

The exhibit’s 175 photos chronicle his seven-decades-long career. Adult museum admission is $8.50; lower fees for seniors and children. Information: (212) 708-9400.
